One of the best things you can do for your oral health is seek treatment for crooked or misaligned teeth and jaws. If you don’t prefer metal brackets and wires, you have the option to choose Invisalign for adults that’s discreet and practical. Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners that are customized to fit your teeth and gradually shift them into proper alignment. In this blog, our Orthodontist in Renton, WA, will tell you about Invisalign for adults and how you can get a Straight, Confident Smile with Invisalign.

Importance of Getting Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontist in Renton

Many adults hesitate to get orthodontic treatment because they are uncomfortable with the idea of wearing braces. But orthodontic treatment is important for a number of reasons. In addition to improving your smile and self-confidence, it can also help prevent issues like TMJ pain and tooth decay, decrease the risk of gum disease, reduce headaches and fatigue, improve biting and chewing abilities, correct speech impediments, and create facial symmetry.

Straight teeth and a correct bite can also boost a person’s self-esteem and make it easier for them to maintain good oral hygiene. When you have a better smile, you are more confident in your smile and your overall appearance.

Invisalign for Adults

Invisalign clear alignment system is a treatment option created for patients who wanted to avoid the traditional metal braces. With Invisalign, you can be discreet about your treatment since Invisalign for adults are nearly invisible when worn. In addition, the aligners are made of BPA-free plastic that is smooth and comfortable to wear. Below are the benefits of the Invisalign treatment:

#1 – Less visible than traditional braces

Since the aligners are transparent and custom-made, Invisalign is less noticeable than traditional braces. Invisalign aligners are also removable, so you have the freedom to take them out when necessary. You only need to wear them for at least 22 hours a day.

#2 – Invisalign for adults can be quicker

The Invisalign treatment duration typically takes 12-18 months, depending on the complexity of your case. In comparison, treatment with traditional braces can take up to 3 years. Invisalign also involves fewer office visits, so you don’t have to worry about taking time off from work or school.

However, there are severe cases that braces are more recommended for. In such cases, Invisalign can still be an option with the help of auxiliary appliances. You need to consult an orthodontist and get a professional evaluation to know which treatment is best for you.

affordable invisalign in Renton WA

#3 – Clear trays provide comfort

The Invisalign trays are made of clear, BPA-free plastic which is smooth and comfortable. They fit snugly on your teeth and don’t cause any discomfort. In addition, Invisalign trays are easily removable so you can take them out when eating or brushing your teeth.

Depending on your preference, Invisalign may provide more comfort since no brackets and wires are poking and rubbing against your mouth. Invisalign is also known to improve overall oral hygiene since you can brush and floss as you would before treatment.

#4 – Invisalign is all digital

Invisalign uses 3D imaging and computer-aided design to create the Invisalign trays. This means that Invisalign treatment is accurate and streamlined. As a matter of fact, your orthodontist will be able to show you how your teeth will look like at the end of your treatment before you even begin.

Process of Invisalign for Adults

Your Invisalign treatment begins with a consultation with your orthodontist. During the consultation, your orthodontist will evaluate your teeth and determine if Invisalign is the right treatment option for you.

Once Invisalign is confirmed, your orthodontist will take imprints of your teeth and use Invisalign’s software to plan the movement of each tooth. Invisalign will then custom make a series of Invisalign trays that you’ll need to wear throughout the course of your treatment.

You will need to get new Invisalign trays every few weeks to ensure the teeth are moving as planned. In addition, you’ll need to wear each Invisalign tray for at least 22 hours a day. In some cases, your orthodontist may also prescribe you auxiliary dental appliances to help move the teeth faster.

At the end of your Invisalign treatment, you will have a beautiful and confident smile that you can be proud of. Invisalign for adults is an excellent treatment option especially if you have a busy and professional lifestyle.

Consult an Invisalign Orthodontist in Renton, WA


If you’re looking for Invisalign treatment in Renton, WA, then look no further. Dr. Andrew Lasley is an experienced Invisalign provider with a commitment to providing the best treatment for his patients. His background in engineering and biomechanics provides him with a unique perspective when evaluating and customizing treatment plans for orthodontic problems.

Aside from Invisalign, Lasley Orthodontics also provides other treatments such as metal braces, ceramic braces, and In-Ovation® braces as well as other appliances, surgical orthodontics, and emergency care. Contact Lasley Orthodontics today to schedule your Invisalign consultation and get started on the road to a beautiful and confident smile.